Frequently Asked Questions

Bad Breath Information

My boyfriend sometimes has bad breath. Is it possible for him to give it to me when we French kiss?

Simply put, you can’t give bad breath to someone else. The bacteria that create this problem are actually good bacteria and are part of the normal oral flora (the mix of bacteria that you need to function properly). It’s possible that the bacteria in your boyfriend’s mouth (tongue, throat, tonsils) are reacting to his dry mouth, which could have been created by smoking, medication, or alcohol (in beer and wine).

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I smell bad breath coming from my nose when I exhale. Am I imagining things? What can I do about this?

You are not imagining anything. There are odours that can be detected in some cases as they emanate from the nostrils. This type of odour is due to mucus in the nasal passage and its reaction to bacteria in the nostrils (not in the sinus). It may also be a by-product of the reaction between mucus, post nasal drip, or allergies in the area beyond the sinus (in the naso-pharyngeal area and the throat/tonsil area).

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Is there a benefit to using a tongue scraper or tongue brush?

Tongue scraping by itself is not particularly effective. It is kind of like using a toothbrush without toothpaste. Excessive or overly agressive scraping can also result in injury – a painful, dry and burning tongue. For a clean tongue we recommend you use a tongue scraper or toothbrush.

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Whenever I have post nasal drip, my breath gets worse. Does this mean bad breath comes from the sinuses?

No. Bad breath gets worse when you have post nasal drip because the anaerobic, sulfur-producing bacteria that cause bad breath live and breed on the back of the tongue and in the throat. They feed on the excess mucus in your throat and break it down into sulfide molecules which cause bad breath and bitter, sour tastes .

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Once in a while I get these small white round dots that appear on my tonsils and sometimes I even cough them up. They have an extremely strong odour. What are they and is this related to my breath and taste disorder?

Those little round globules are known as Tonsilloliths or Tonsil Stones and they cause very bad breath. They are caused when the gases produced by the bad breath bacteria mix with mucus and thick saliva in the back of your throat. After a period of time this mixture condenses into the odourous globs you described. They are usually only present in those who have tonsils. Many of my patients have actually had their tonsils removed due to misinformation from physicians about this problem. Unfortunately, these patients still had bad breath after having the tonsillectomy because BAD BREATH DOES NOT START IN THE TONSILS! It starts on the back of your tongue and can then branch off into your tonsils.

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Product Information

How long have TheraBreath products been on the market?

TheraBreath was first developed in 1992 when my daughter was teased in junior high about having a bad breath problem. The products she tried at the time just didn’t work for her. Within a year I had a working prototype of the formula that became TheraBreath Oral Rinse (that my daughter still uses to this day!). It was first sold through dental offices in the US in 1993. By 1995, TheraBreath Toothpaste and Oral Rinse were available in most major US drug stores. TheraBreath products have been available in Canada since 2005.

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Do TheraBreath products come with a guarantee?

Yes. I guarantee that you will be completely satisfied with every TheraBreath product you buy. If there is ever a problem, simply use the contact information listed on the label of every TheraBreath product for refund instructions.

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How often should I use TheraBreath products?

Each therabreath product provides instructions for use on the product label. Always read and follow the label.

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Are TheraBreath products gluten free?

Yes. All TheraBreath products are gluten free.

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Are TheraBreath products kosher?

Yes. Our products are bottled under Rabbinical Supervision and have earned the KSA seal of approval. You can be assured all manufacturing and bottling is carefully scrutinized and that no animal products are EVER used in any of our formulas.

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Why do foods and even water sometimes taste different after using TheraBreath?

Some people may notice that certain foods and even water may taste different after first using TheraBreath products. This is most likely because of a highly acidic oral environment. TheraBreath is pH Neutral, meaning that it neutralizes excess oral acids. This change is what is causing the change in taste perception. The good news is that this is a sign that TheraBreath is working, and the change in taste perception is only temporary. Typically within a week of first use your sense of taste will return to normal as your mouth acclimates to its new, less acidic oral environment.

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Privacy Policy

How can I unsubscribe from your email list?

To unsubscribe from our email list, you can simply click on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email you receive from TheraBreath.

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This post was last modified on Tháng mười hai 11, 2024 6:05 chiều