59 Cheesy Pick Up Lines For Travellers

59 Cheesy Pick Up Lines For Travellers

59 Cheesy Pick Up Lines For Travellers

time travel pick up lines


47. “Ich bin so schlecht im Bett-das musst du erlebt haben!”I am so bad in bed, you need to experience it!

48. “Ich bin ein tier im bett”I am an animal in bed

49. “Würdegerneder Grund für Deine schlaflose Nacht sein.”I’d love to be the reason for your sleepless night

50. “Du hast so eine schöne Jacke. Es passt zu meinen bettwäsche.”You have such a nice jacket. It matches my bed sheets.


Are you German? Cuz you’re a Nein and I’m the one Ja need. @KCamilasplatano


52. “Ti faccio vedere la città, andiamo con la Vespa!”Let me show you the city, we’ll go on my Vespa!

53. “Mi sono perso. Mi diresti dove abiti tu?”I’m lost. Could you show me where you live?

54. “Se dovessi darti un giudizio da 1 a 10, ti darei 9, io sono la parte che ti manca per arrivare a 10.”If I had to rate you from 1-10 I would rate you as a 9 because I am the one that you are missing.


Hey @RossLynch, I heard you’re in Italy sooooo….Is your dad an Italian thief? Because you just stole a pizza my heart.


56. “Drömmarnas man var på väg, men jag slog skiten ur honom så att jag först kunde komma till dig.”The man of your dreams was on his way, but I beat the crap out of him so I could get to you first

57. “Varje minut du inte ger mig ditt telefonnummer, dödar Gud en kattunge. Tänk på kattungarna.”Every minute you don’t give me your phone number, God kills a kitten. Please – think of the kitties.

58. “Kom ihåg den här stunden, så vi kan berätta för våra barn hur vi träffade.”Remember this moment, so we can tell our children how we met.


59. “Ee – show ni kah-rah-o-keh ni ee-koh ka?”Shall we go to Karaoke together?

Go for Gold! Have we missed any?

Disclaimer Most of these pick up lines were told to us by our staff or backpackers staying with us. A few were overheard – yes it really was awkward hearing anyone use these lines! Use these terrible pick up lines at your own peril, but please let us know how it went!

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This post was last modified on Tháng mười hai 8, 2024 5:49 chiều