A toothache can happen to anyone at any time. If you’ve ever had one, you know just how painful it can be. Different issues can cause toothaches, like infections, cavities, gum disease, or exposed roots.
Try any of these home remedies for immediate toothache relief.
Bạn đang xem: 29 DIY Toothache Relief Remedies to Try at Home
DIY Toothache Remedies
In most cases, you can use homemade remedies to relieve your pain at home. Here are 29 natural ways to soothe a toothache.
Crushed tylenol on toothaches works wonders. You can use tylenol or baby aspirin. Just crush it and apply the powder directly to the painful area in your mouth. Allow it to dissolve gradually to relieve your pain.
2. Teabag
You can place a wet tea bag on your tooth to ease some of the pain and swelling. If you’re not sensitive to cold, dip the tea bag in ice water beforehand for extra pain relief.
3. Ginger and Cayenne Pepper
Mix together powdered ginger and cayenne pepper with a few drops of water. Then, use a cotton ball to apply the paste to your tooth. Keep the mixture away from your gums to avoid irritation. This can provide immediate pain relief and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
4. Cloves
Apply a pinch of ground cloves onto your tooth and hold it in place to help relieve your pain. Alternatively, soak a cotton ball in clove oil and apply it to the painful area.
5. Fresh Garlic
Garlic is a wonderful natural remedy that has a wealth of health benefits. Mix a crushed clove of garlic with a pinch of rock salt and apply it around your tooth.
6. Brandy or Whiskey
Soak a cotton ball in some brandy or whisky and apply it to your tooth for toothache pain relief.
7. Myrrh
Simmer a teaspoon of myrrh with two cups of water for half an hour. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool. Then dilute one teaspoon of this with half a glass of water. Rinse and repeat as you need it.
8. Vicks VaporRub
Believe it or not, you can use Vicks Vapor Rub for toothaches. Put this rub on the painful area of your tooth and put a cloth or towel over it to keep the heat generated inside.
9. Saltwater Rinse
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Simply dissolve a small amount of salt into a cup of warm water. You can rinse your mouth out with salt water every two to three hours to kill bacteria and promote healing.
10. Peppermint Tea
You can also numb the pain in your tooth with peppermint tea. Add a teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for twenty minutes. Then, strain the tea and allow it to cool before applying.
11. Onions
Cut off a piece of raw onion and gently press it against your sore tooth. This remedy will ease your pain and help kill bacteria.
12. Tea Tree Oil
Dip a cotton ball soaked in tea tree oil against the affected tooth. Alternatively, rinse your mouth out with a mixture of warm water and a few drops of tea tree oil. Just be sure you don’t swallow the mixture.
13. Neem or Margosa Bark
In a pot, heat 2 cups of water, 2 inches of bark, and 6 cloves together until boiling. Then, strain the liquid into a jar and store it in your fridge in a sealed container. Once the liquid cools, apply it to your sore tooth using a cotton ball for temporary relief.
14. Asafetida
Asafetida is a traditional Indian spice used for medicinal purposes. Heat a couple of spoonfuls of lemon juice on the stove and mix in ¼ teaspoon of ground asafetida. Continue stirring on the stove until the asafetida softens and dissolves. Let the solution cool and apply it to your tooth using a cotton ball.
15. Hydrogen Peroxide
A 3% hydrogen peroxide rinse kills bacteria and reduces plaque inside your mouth. It can also lessen your discomfort while dealing with a cavity or infection. After rinsing your mouth out with hydrogen peroxide, be sure to rinse with plain water a few times.
16. Chewing Gum
If you’ve recently lost a filling, chewing gum for toothaches helps protect the gap while you wait to see the dentist. Simply place a small piece directly over the affected area.
17. Salt and Pepper
Using equal amounts of salt and ground black pepper, add a little water to create a thick paste. Apply the paste to the affected tooth to lessen the pain. Just be sure to avoid your gum line to prevent irritation.
18. Plantain Leaf
Take a washed plantain leaf and crush it up to release its juices. Then, place the leaf directly on your sore tooth, using your fingers if needed to keep it in place. This can give you some needed relief.
19. Ice Pack
Wrap the ice pack in a towel and hold it against the side of your face that is in pain. You can do this remedy for 15 minutes at a time. The cold will help bring down the swelling while numbing the pain.
20. Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth
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Specific toothpaste for sensitive teeth is an easy, affordable option for avoiding oral discomfort from certain foods or beverages.
21. Honey and Cinnamon
Use honey and cinnamon for toothaches because of their natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Mix together five teaspoons of honey with one teaspoon of powdered cinnamon until it forms a sticky paste. Apply this mixture directly onto your tooth several times a day.
22. Potato for Toothache
Peel and slice a small piece of raw potato and place it directly onto your tooth. Alternatively, you can mix mashed potatoes with rock salt and apply this to your tooth to ease your pain.
23. Vanilla Extract
Vanilla extract contains alcohol, a natural pain reliever. For quick relief, place two to three drops of vanilla extract directly onto your sore tooth.
24. Cucumber
Slice up a fresh, chilled cucumber and place one of the pieces right on your tooth to give yourself some relief. You can also make a paste by mashing up the cucumber and mixing it with rock salt. Apply the paste to your affected tooth.
25. Bayberry Bark
The bark of Bayberry is a popular natural remedy that can strengthen your gums and provide pain relief. Combine ground bark of Barberry with white vinegar and apply the mixture directly to the affected area.
26. Baking Soda Toothache Remedy
Baking soda totes an incredible number of home and medicinal uses. Simply wet a cotton ball and dip it in baking soda. Then, gently press the cotton ball against the affected tooth to reduce pain. Alternatively, you can mix a teaspoon of baking soda into warm water and use it as a mouthwash.
27. Acupressure with Ice Cube
Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicinal practice to relieve pain using various pressure points across the body. To relieve tooth pain, rub an ice cube in the space between your thumb and forefinger for a few minutes at a time.
28. Guava Leaves
Guava leaves are both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. To relieve your pain, simply chew on a few guava leaves. You can also use fresh spinach leaves as a substitute.
29. Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is great at fighting tooth decay and easing pain due to its antibacterial properties. You can drink it straight or use it as a mouthwash to relieve pain and reduce bacteria in your mouth. Chewing on a few pieces of fresh wheatgrass will produce the same results.
Preventing Toothaches
While homemade remedies can provide you with some relief, you shouldn’t put off seeing a dentist about your toothache. Most toothaches are preventable with good oral hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth every day, and visit your dentist every six months for a check-up.
Reach Out to Art of Modern Dentistry for Professional Care!
At Art of Modern Dentistry, we always put our patients first. If you need emergency dental care to fight a painful toothache, contact us right away!
Call us today at 773-935-3600 to schedule an appointment.
Nguồn: https://vuihoctienghan.edu.vn
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This post was last modified on Tháng mười hai 10, 2024 4:39 chiều