HIV is present in the blood, semen, and vaginal fluids of a person who is infected with HIV and is usually spread by:
Có thể bạn quan tâm
- Unprotected sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) with a person who is infected with HIV. Using condoms is the only way to prevent getting or spreading HIV during sexual contact. Other forms of birth control do not protect against HIV.
- Using a needle or syringe that has previously been used by a person who is infected with HIV. Needles include those used for injecting drugs or steroids or those used for tattoos.
You cannot get HIV through everyday contact with air, food, water, insects, animals, dishes, or toilet seats.
Bạn đang xem: HIV: Tips for Caregivers to Avoid Infection
The following preventive steps can eliminate your risk of getting HIV from someone you are caring for.
- Wear disposable gloves if you may have contact with blood or body fluids from a person who is infected with HIV. Also, cover any cuts, sores, or breaks in your exposed skin. Wear rubber gloves when cleaning articles soiled with urine, feces, or vomit to avoid infection with other germs, even though HIV has never been spread by contact with these body products.
- Wash your hands with soap and water after any contact with blood, even if you wear gloves.
- Handle needles or lancets carefully to avoid sticking yourself if you are caring for someone who is injecting medicine or must test his or her own blood (for diabetes). Do not put caps back on needles by hand. When handling used syringes, pick them up by the barrel and carefully drop them into a puncture-proof container.
- If you stick yourself with a used needle, wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water. Contact your doctor as soon as possible to get further evaluation and perhaps treatment with antiviral medications. The risk of developing an HIV infection is slight (about 1 in 300), but this risk can be greatly reduced if you get treatment right away, preferably within 1 to 2 hours.footnote 1
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If you are a caregiver for a person who is infected with HIV:
- Wash clothing and linens as you normally would. The clothes do not need to be separated from the rest of the household laundry.
- Separate dishes or eating utensils are not needed. Dishes used by a person infected with HIV do not require special methods of cleaning.
- Let the person infected with HIV prepare meals if he or she would like to. The virus cannot be spread through food handling.
- Do not share razors or toothbrushes with anyone who has HIV because these items sometimes have blood on them.
- Flush all liquid waste that contains blood down the toilet.
- Place in a plastic bag all items that are soiled with blood, semen, or vaginal fluid and are not flushable, such as paper towels, sanitary pads and tampons, and wound dressings. Close the bag securely before placing it in a trash container. Check with your doctor or local health unit to be sure you are following proper disposal regulations for your area.
A person who is infected with HIV can sometimes have other infections that may be contagious. The following steps can prevent the spread of other infections.
Nguồn: https://vuihoctienghan.edu.vn
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