02 Ago 2017 [105] ¿La ciclobenzaprina es útil para el dolor? La ciclobenzaprina es un fármaco tricíclico descubierto en 1956 que está relacionado estructuralmente con la amitriptilina y la imipramina. Inicialmente se evaluó como un posible tranquilizante y posteriormente se observó que tenía propiedades similares a la atropina en estudios en animales.1 En Canadá, la compañía Merck Frosst Research pensó en la comercialización ... Xem chi tiết
Cuántos centímetros tiene un pie
La semana pasada estuvimos aquí mismo, en el blog de Pequeña Huella, vuestra blog, hablando de algunas de las equivalencias de tallas de calzado que merecen la pena ser conocidas. Como por ejemplo estas que hay entre las tallas de calzado europeo y las tallas de calzado en el Reino Unido. Después de todo, y teniendo en cuenta la actual globalización del mercado como consecuencia de internet, no es de extrañar que alguien ... Xem chi tiết
Hospitals hiring chief clinical officers to steer toward value-based care | Healthcare IT News
As the push for value-based care demands that hospital executives better align services across the care continuum, hospitals are increasingly appointing chief clinical officers and in many instances the role is becoming clearly distinct from a traditional chief medical officer. The titles CMO and CCO have been frequently interchangeable, said Linda Komnick, principal and co-practice leader of Physician Integration and ... Xem chi tiết
¿Qué diferencias hay entre manga gástrica y bypass?
A día de hoy las dos cirugías bariátricas más realizadas en el mundo son el bypass gástrico, también conocido como en Y de Roux y la gastrectomía vertical o manga gástrica. Aunque, ambas responden a intervenciones destinadas al adelgazamiento de personas obesas, existen diferencias entre la manga gástrica y el bypass que merecen su abordaje. La cirugía bariátrica se considera en la actualidad el método más eficaz para tratar ... Xem chi tiết
Tennis elbow – Kinesiology tape
Professional instructions In order to relieve the extensors / flexors, a blue I-tape is used in this example (extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis and m. Brachioradialis). Measure the I-tape in stretched position. Lay the base distal to the wrist in a slightly stretched position (hand in neutral position). Extend the elbow and bring the hand into palmar flexion. Then apply the detonizing tape with ... Xem chi tiết
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC)
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare type of skin cancer. It starts in the Merkel cells, which are usually in the top layer of the skin (the epidermis). These cells are near the nerve endings and they help us respond to touch. MCC is very rare. Just over 1,500 people were diagnosed with MCC in England between 1999 and 2008. Because Merkel cells are a type of neuroendocrine cell, MCC is also called a neuroendocrine tumour ... Xem chi tiết
Do you experience frequent trips to the bathroom and ongoing urinary bladder pain or constant sensation of pressure in the bladder? Of course the first thought might be that these symptoms are due to a urinary bladder infection. In many cases however, urinary testing reveals no infection is present - yet these uncomfortable symptoms persist! In this case, the likely cause of the ongoing discomfort is Interstitial Cystits. ... Xem chi tiết
Got heartburn? Tune out Larry the Cable Guy to get real relief
My wife refuses to sit in the room with me when drug ads come on the television. I have a hard time not talking back to the TV when these ads are playing, and I roll my eyes when the disclaimers about the risks of the drug take three times longer to read than the benefits. The worst are the heartburn ads. My favorite ad shows the Larry the Cable Guy holding a bottle of Prilosec, saying that he is not just an actor, he actually ... Xem chi tiết
Can a Deviated Septum Ruin Your Social Life?
Request An Appointment Is it possible that my frequent problems with bad breath could be caused by a deviated septum? Do you remember the last time you had bad breath? We are all susceptible. Sometimes we even make a conscious decision to risk it when we know better but still decide to order our favorite spicy food anyway. Onions and garlic are well-known perpetrators but so are curries and tuna fish. That morning coffee ... Xem chi tiết
Blocking stomach acid may promote chronic liver disease
The liver has many important functions, including helping to digest food and process and distribute nutrients. A healthy liver is necessary for survival. The liver can regenerate after being damaged. However, repeated or long-lasting injury can cause scar tissue to form. Scarring of the liver may lead to cirrhosis, a condition in which the liver is unable to function normally. Liver cirrhosis is a leading cause of death ... Xem chi tiết