What are tonsil stones? Tonsil stones are small, hard deposits that can form on the tonsils. They can cause pain when they block your airway, and can even lead to infection. Here's everything you need to know about tonsil stones. What causes tonsil stones? There is no definitive answer to this question. However, some factors that may contribute to the formation of tonsil stones include a high intake of sugar and foods that are ... Xem chi tiết
What Can I Use as a Natural Heat Protectant?
Do you have a love-hate relationship with your hot tools? We get where you’re coming from! Sometimes you want a voluminous blowout, supermodel waves, or a sleek, straight style… but without the right preparation heat tools can leave your hair feeling dry, frizzy, and damaged. That’s why we’re huge fans of natural heat protectants! Whether you use heat tools regularly or simply spend a lot of time in the sun, a natural heat ... Xem chi tiết
RDW Blood Test
What is an RDW (red blood cell distribution width) blood test?An RDW (red blood cell distribution width) blood test measures how varied your red blood cells are in size and volume. Your red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to organs and tissues throughout your body. The oxygen fuels your body’s cells so that they can produce energy.When it comes to your red blood cells, size matters. Healthy red blood cells are about ... Xem chi tiết
Coding Q&A: Ovarian Cancer or Masses
Disclaimer: Answers to incoming questions are provided by the members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) Coding and Reimbursement subcommittee and represent their opinion based upon the current and usual practices in the field. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. However, the information neither replaces information in Medicare regulations, the CPT-4 code book, or the ICD-10 CM ... Xem chi tiết
Association of Hypertension With the Risk and Severity of Epistaxis
Key PointsQuestion Is hypertension associated with the risk and severity of epistaxis?Findings This nationwide population cohort study of 71 498 individuals found that, compared with patients without hypertension, those with hypertension appeared to have an increased risk of epistaxis, had more emergency department visits, and required more posterior nasal packing procedures.Meaning This study suggests that hypertension is ... Xem chi tiết
Is Using Witch Hazel After Shaving Safe?
Witch hazel is a skincare wonder, lauded by its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and astringent properties. Often popular in women's skincare routine or as a treatment for common irritations like insect bites, witch hazel is a silent backup in men's grooming, especially for razor burn, as a great natural aftershave that can soothe your skin after shaving. This natural extract from the witch hazel plant offers many healing ... Xem chi tiết
Navigating the Retinal Periphery
There are a number of clinical conditions associated with the peripheral retina, including primary lesions such as pars plana cysts. Some are degenerative, with potential vision-threatening consequences. Others are associated with systemic disease and may better correlate with the patients’ presenting signs and symptoms. Click image to enlarge. Dilated fundus examination remains the standard of care for detection and ... Xem chi tiết
Cellular Level Skeletal muscle is composed of cells collectively referred to as muscle fibers. Each muscle fiber is multinucleated with its nuclei located along the periphery of the fiber. Each muscle fiber further subdivides into myofibrils, which are the basic units of the muscle fiber. These myofibrils are surrounded by the muscle cell membrane (sarcolemma), which form deep invaginations called transverse tubules ... Xem chi tiết
Mecanismo de acciónHidrocortisona antihemorroidal Acción antiinflamatoria y antipruriginosa. Indicaciones terapéuticasHidrocortisona antihemorroidal Alivio local del dolor, picor, escozor e inflamación asociados a hemorroides en ads. PosologíaHidrocortisona antihemorroidal Modo de administraciónHidrocortisona antihemorroidal Vía rectal. Aplicar la pomada después de la evacuación intestinal y aseo personal. Previamente debe ... Xem chi tiết
Do Immunity Shots Actually Work?
If you’ve strolled the juice aisle of a grocery store recently, you’ve probably seen so-called “immunity shots.” The 1- to 3-ounce bottles of bright liquid promise a quick boost in vitamins, and thus, in immune system response. Some consumers are turning to them when they feel a cold coming on, or when they’re just feeling a bit under the weather. But do they actually work as they promise? What are the potential benefits and ... Xem chi tiết