Author Contributions: Drs Azizi and Kirtane had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Drs Azizi and Kirtane contributed equally to this work.
Concept and design: Azizi, Mahfoud, Weber, Daemen, Lobo, Bloch, Basile, Reeve-Stoffer, Kirtane.
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Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Azizi, Mahfoud, Sharp, Schmieder, Lurz, Daemen, Lobo, Fisher, Bloch, Basile, Sanghvi, Saxena, Gosse, Jenkins, Levy, Persu, Kably, Claude, Reeve-Stoffer, McClure, Kirtane.
Drafting of the manuscript: Azizi, Jenkins, Claude, Kirtane.
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Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Mahfoud, Weber, Sharp, Schmieder, Lurz, Daemen, Lobo, Fisher, Bloch, Basile, Sanghvi, Saxena, Gosse, Levy, Persu, Kably, Claude, Reeve-Stoffer, McClure.
Statistical analysis: Azizi, Kably, McClure.
Obtained funding: Jenkins.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Mahfoud, Lurz, Daemen, Basile, Sanghvi, Levy.
Supervision: Sharp, Schmieder, Fisher, Saxena, Reeve-Stoffer.
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Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Azizi reported receiving grants from Recor, the French Ministry of Health, Idorsia, Quantum Genomics, and European Horizon 2020; and personal fees from CVRx, AstraZeneca, Medtronic, Alnylam Pharmaceutical, Novartis, and Poxel outside the submitted work. Dr Mahfoud reported receiving personal fees from FM; being supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and Deutsche Herzstiftung; and receiving scientific support from Medronic, ReCor Medical, and Berlin Chemie, and speaker honoraria from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Inari, Medtronic, Merck, and ReCor Medical during the conduct of the study. Dr Weber reported receiving personal fees from ReCor Medical, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, and Ablative Solutions outside the submitted work. Dr Schmieder reported receiving grant and personal fees from Recor Medical, Medtronic, and Ablative Solutions outside the submitted work. Dr Lurz reported receiving grants from ReCor Medical, Abbott Medical, and Edwards Lifesciences and personal fees from ReCor Medical outside the submitted work. Dr Lobo reported receiving personal fees from ReCor Medical, Medtronic, CVRx, Ablative Solutions, Vascular Dynamics, ROX Medical, Aktiia, and Tarilan Laser Technologies and grants from Medtronic. Dr Fisher reported receiving grants from Recor Medical and consultant fees from Medtronic, Recor Medical, and Aktiia outside the submitted work. Dr Daemen reported receiving institutional grant/research support from AstraZeneca, Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific, ACIST Medical, Medtronic, Microport, Pie Medical, PulseCath, and ReCor Medical and consultant/speaker fees from Abiomed, ACIST Medical, Boston Scientific, PulseCath, Pie Medical, Siemens Health Care, ReCor Medical, and Medtronic. Dr Bloch reported receiving personal fees from Recor and Medtronic outside the submitted work. Dr Basile reported receiving grants from ReCor Medical and Ablative Solutions; serving on the Medtronic Clinical Events Committee during the conduct of the study; and consultant fees from ReCor Medical outside the submitted work. Dr Sanghvi reported receiving grant support and personal fees from ReCor Medical and Medtronic and grant support from CSI. Dr Saxena reported receiving grants from Recor Medical, Ablative Solutions, Applied Therapeutics, and Vascular Dynamics and speaker/consultant fees from Recor Medical, Esperion Inc, Daiichi-Sankyo Inc, and Vifor Pharma outside the submitted work. Dr Gosse reported receiving grants from Recor Medical and Ablative Solutions during the conduct of the study. Dr Jenkins reported receiving institutional funding to Ochsner Medical Center from Medtronic, Abbott, Abiomed, and ReCor Medical and honorarium for speaking engagements and/or proctoring consulting from Abbott, Recor Medical, and Medtronics. Dr Persu reported receiving grant support, honoraria for consultancy, and travel grants from Recor Medical, Ablative Solutions, Servier, Quantum Genomics and personal fees from Servier outside the submitted work. Ms Claude reported receiving personal fees from ReCor Medical during the conduct of the study and being an employee of ReCor Medical, the sponsor of the study. Dr Reeve-Stoffer reported being an employee of ReCor Medical during the conduct of the study. Dr McClure reported being an employee of NAMSA, a contractor for ReCor Medical. Dr Kirtane reported receiving grants from ReCor Medical and institutional funding to Columbia University and/or Cardiovascular Research Foundation from Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Abbott Vascular, Amgen, CSI, CathWorks, Philips, ReCor Medical, Neurotronic, Biotronik, Chiesi, Bolt Medical, Magenta Medical, Canon, SoniVie, Shockwave Medical, and Merck (institutional funding includes fees paid to Columbia University and/or Cardiovascular Research Foundation for consulting and/or speaking engagements in which Dr Kirtane controlled the content); and receiving consulting fees from IMDS; travel expenses/meals from Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Abiomed, Abbott Vascular, CSI, CathWorks, Siemens, Philips, ReCor Medical, Chiesi, OpSens, Zoll, and Regeneron. No other disclosures were reported.
Funding/Support: The study was funded by ReCor Medical Inc.
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funder had a role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
Group Information: The RADIANCE-HTN Investigators are listed in Supplement 5 and the eAppendix in Supplement 4.
Data Sharing Statement: See Supplement 6.
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